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If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer you an easy way to return items. Here is the process for a return:

  1. Contact our customer service: If you want a return, please contact our customer service. You can reach us by email, telephone or the contact form on our website.

  2. Receive return instructions: After you contact us, we will email you return instructions. In this guide you will find all the information you need for the return.

  3. Prepare the return: Please pack the item in the original packaging or similar packaging and enclose the return instructions. Please make sure that the item is in perfect condition and shows no signs of wear.

  4. Send the return: Take the package to a courier of your choice and send it back to the address given on the return instructions. Please note that you will have to bear the costs for the return.

  5. Get the refund: Once we receive the returned item, we'll check it to make sure it's in perfect condition. If everything is fine, we will refund you the purchase price. Please note that this can take up to 14 days.

We hope that we were able to help you with this process. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.